Thursday, 31 January 2013

Pen Refills

Pen Refills Detail
We believe that we stock more types of pen refills than anywhere else in the world, but most of these are specific to a narrow group of pens or even a single model. However, there are some types of refills that have a broader application and form something of a standard. Bottled ink is an obvious one - any fountain pen can use any decent quality ink. However there is also a standard fountain pen ink cartridge style that can be used by a wide variety of fountain pen brands. There are also a few ballpoint pen refills that have become something of a common standard and which are used by a variety of manufacturers. The two most common are the G2 'Parker-style' refill, and the D1 multipen refill. We have a wide range of all these refills, and we can even provide you with a list of what pens we sell that can use them.
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills  
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills  
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills 
 Pen Refills
   Pen Refills

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