Friday 1 February 2013

Pens For Sale

Pens For Sale Description
The Fountain Pens of Esterbrook (1992) by Paul Hoban. A 64-page work outlining the history and writing instruments of the Esterbrook Pen Company, which was founded in 1858 by a transplanted English Quaker, and held the fifth registered trade mark issued by the U. S. Government. This amazing company actually expanded during the Great Depression (1932 - 1940), while most pen companies, including the "Big 4" (Parker, Waterman, Sheaffer and Wahl/Eversharp) experienced greately reduced sales, and many other pen companies closed altogether. The book contains 4 color plates showing examples of the fountain pen products from the turn of the century thru the 1960s in actual size, and a reprint of the entire 1939 Esterbrook catalog. - $20
 Pens For Sale
  Pens For Sale
Pens For Sale
  Pens For Sale
  Pens For Sale  
Pens For Sale
 Pens For Sale 
 Pens For Sale 
 Pens For Sale  
 Pens For Sale
  Pens For Sale
  Pens For Sale   

1 comment:

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